Dependency & association in UML

There two types of relationship between Classes: dependencies and associations.When we talk about one and while we forget another, this is misunderstanding caused by definition of dependency and association.Normally, the definition of those terms are:

the key point: Association imply that there is strong dependency between two classes.In other words, the definition for association should be:

An association represents a structural relationship that connects two classes.class A associate with class B. Class B will be affected when class A changed yet.

In my view, dependency emphasize the needs of on class to another. the association emphasize that structure: one class holds the another, it can use freely when it needs.

Last but not least, a simple demo will told us the truth:

The diagram describe the blow relationships:


class Program
    class Phone
        public void SendMessage(string name,string message)
    class Employee
        public void SayHello2Customer()
            Phone phone = new Phone();       //Dependency, employee needs the phone
            phone.SendMessage("Someone", "Hello");
    class Manager
        Employee staff = new Employee();    //Association, a structure shwos that Manager employeed the staff.
        public void SayHello2Customer()
            staff.SayHello2Customer();      //Manager can employ the staff do something if he want.
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Manager manager = new Manager();

@ 2010-08-02 08:00


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